Tuesday, September 16, 2014

TOP TEN TUESDAY: Authors I've Only Read Once

Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme created by The Broke and the Bookish.  This week's full theme is "Authors I've Only Read One Book From But NEED to Read More."  (I'm tweaking it a bit to include short stories.)

In no particular order, here are my Top Ten Authors I've Only Read Once:

1.  Joyce Carol Oates.  I read Oates's short story "Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been" in university and fell in love.  She has this magnificent way of creating a subtext that can be interpreted in a multitude of ways.  I ended up writing an entire paper on this short story and found that the interpretations are endless.  I actually own her novel, Mudwoman, and will hopefully get to it early next year.

2.  Cat Winters.  I buddy read Cat Winters' debut novel, In the Shadow of Blackbirds, with Brandi from The Book Geek a year or so ago and fell in love.  Both of us ended up tossing our read-a-long schedule to the wind because the book was just that good.  I've heard her new book, The Cure for Dreaming, is equally phenomenal. 

3. Elena Poniatowska.  Ms. Poniatowska was one of the only female voices being published in Mexico before the 60s and her work, Lilus Kikus, was originally mistaken for a child's novel.  If you were to read it today, however, the feminist subtext is so blatant that I'm still amazed anyone could have thought it a children's story to begin with.  She has been a fervent voice for Mexican women and was originally a journalist.  Since Lilus Kikus, which I read, she has published a number of different books, short stories and journalist pieces detailing the position of women in the Mexican patriarchy.  I've technically read more than just one book by her, because I've read a few of her stories too, but she is an author I desperately want to read more of, and I encourage you to do so, too. 

4.  Kathryne Kennedy. Diving into a few romantic reads, Ms. Kennedy has a beautiful writing style that I found easy to engage in.  I was interested in the characters, I thought her world building to be fascinating and all around just really enjoyed my experience while reading her.   I've only read The Fire Lord's Lover, which I recommend to anyone who's a fan of romance, but I cannot wait to get my hands on more from her.  It honestly was one of the most beautifully written romance novels I've ever read.

5.  Rainbow Rowell.  I posted a review of Rainbow Rowell's Fangirl, which I absolutely adored.  I have honestly only heard good things about this author.  I know she has three other books out, one YA and adult, and I have been anxious to read them.  And honestly, who couldn't love an author with an amazing name like "Rainbow."  She's already inherently fabulous by default.

6. Laura Whitcomb.  Laura Whitcomb is the author of the beautifully written YA novel, A Certain Slant of Light.  This novel was my favorite read of 2012 and made it onto my personal-favorites list as well.  The prose in this is just to die for and she tackles tricky subjects with elegance and grace.  I'm very much looking forward to reading more by this author.'

7. J.R.R. Tolkein.  He's a legend.  He's a master.  He's a genius.  And yet I've only read The Hobbit by him.  At this point, being a 24-year-old fantasy lover, there's really no excuse.  As you can imagine, The Hobbit is filled with fantastical world building, interesting characters and lack of women.  (I'll do a post on the underrepresentation of women in fantasy novels soon.)  Reading The Lord of the Rings is one of my goals for 2015.  Because the time is now, my friends.

8. Margaret Atwood.  Ms. Atwood is one of the greatest writers of our time.  The voices she gives to women in literature, the light she shines on the dangers of patriarchy and the heart-wrenching tales that she writes have all earned her a spot on the "Best Authors of the Era" list.  I've only read The Handmaid's Tale, but found her prose filled with fascinating subtext.  She's an author I've been meaning to read more of for years.

9. Gillian Flynn.  I had very mixed feelings about Gone Girl, some of which stemmed from the book itself and others from the expectations I had before going in.  I'm still torn as to whether or not I think she's a good writer, but I do think she's an interesting storyteller.  I won't say too much, because I do have a review of Gone Girl coming soon, but she is an author that I think it worth more than one read. 

10. Don DeLillo.  DeLillo has a lot to say and he manages to get his message across using a relatively short page count.  He just screams satire.  He's honestly one of those authors that I'd recommend everyone give a try.  Even though he might not be your cuppa, you'll probably still appreciate what he's trying to achieve.  I've only read his novel White Noise, but very much need and want to read more by him.

Who are YOUR authors you've only read once and need to read more from?


  1. I so recommend that you read other Gillian Flynn books--Gone Girl is actually my least favorite. Dark Places is my fave.

    1. You're actually the second person to tell me that they liked Dark Places by her the most out of her works. I'll have to give that one a go, then! :)

  2. I agree with Bennie! I read Gone Girl I think at the end of last year or the beginning of this year so it was before all the hype, but Gone Girl could have Gone in the damn trash, that's how much it pissed me off lol. The book was okay, but the ending COMPLETELY RUINED IT FOR ME! So after that disappointment, I didn't continue to read more of her work. I want to though because her stories are kind of dark, and everyone knows I loveee that lol. Shadow of blackbirds looks reallyyyy creepy, but I read the synopsis and I'm definitely intrigued. So does A Certain Slant of Light. The way she's just chilling in that tub . . . yup stuff goes down in that book lol. You definitely have to read more Rainbow Rowell. I've read all of her work except Landline, and I've been dyingg to read it since it's release. Great list!

    1. I KNOW! The ending of GONE GIRL made me rage so hard, lol! I am totally feeling you on that! That was why I've been hesitant to read anything else by her, but so many people keep recommending me DARK PLACES now that I feel the need to at least try, lol!

      In the Shadow of Blackbirds is really creepy, but so fun! A Certain Slant of Light is more... mmm, poetic? It's not very creepy, just kind of tragic, and really beautiful.

      I will definitely read more Rainbow Rowell! I'm determined. :)

    2. I've been getting a ton of recs on Dark Places as well. I'm still just so BOTHERED! lol. Hopefully it will be better than Gone Girl like everyone says. I seriously need to add The Shadow of Blackbirds and A Certain Slant of Light to my TBR *heads over to goodreads* lol

    3. Yayyyyy!!! :) I'll be excited to read what you think!

  3. That's a good list! I love Rowell's books, and really need to try Gone Girl. Thanks for sharing!

    1. Thanks for commenting! I recommend GONE GIRL lightly... haha. :) I wasn't too big a fan of it, but I'm very much in the minority on that one!

  4. Fangirl is DEFINITELY on my tbr list, and I'm hesitating about gone girl.
    You just made mevhesitate even more about reading it XD

    1. I think you'll love FANGIRL! It's really such a sweet novel. :) and as for GONE GIRL... The only thing I will say is that if you're comfortable with open ended endings then you might like it, lol!

    2. Open endigs ? Ugh, no...
      Maybe I'll stay away from gone girl then... :)

  5. I LOVED FANGIRL SO MUCH :) I have not read anything else by Rainbow Rowell but making that book,instantly made me love her. That and as you said-HER NAME IS RAINBOW!

    I've been seeing a lot of great reviews about The Handmaid's Tale lately so I just might read it soon! It looks amazing :)

    Great Post!

    1. I hope you pick it up! It's a really great story. I don't think you'll be disappointed in the least!

  6. Oh! I'll admit, I'm guilty of having only read one of Atwood's works as well. I swear I'll read more. She's an amazing writer!

    Jess @ MyReadingDress

    1. Right!? I really want to read Oryx and Crake... I've heard such amazing things!

  7. I loved Gone Girl and want to read more from her. I actually have one or two of these in my tbr pile.

    1. Gone Girl just didn't sit right with me for some reason. One day I'll figure out why, lol.

  8. I don't know about The Shadow of Blackbirds (will read it someday though) but I've read The Cure for Dreaming and it was really good. Hope you enjoy it as well! :D

  9. Did he? I don't keep up with John Green so I have no idea what he tweets lol, but that's interesting. It's nice to see authors giving each other little boosts.

    Really? I completely loved The Handmaid's Tale! I think it had a sort of abstract, vague style of writing that might not be for everyone, but I totally loved it. :)
