Tuesday, September 23, 2014


Top Ten Tuesday is a meme started over at The Broke and Bookish.  This week we are focusing on our top ten reads we plan on devouring during Fall.

1.  Dracula by Bram Stoker.  The perfect Halloween book, right?  And yet I've not read it!  I hear there's a pretty amazing audiobook of it featuring Allan Cumming and Tim Curry and ... I don't know, I might pick the audio over the written in this case, even though listening to classics hasn't worked out well for me in the past.  Either way, it needs to be read.  This fall.  Must happen.

2. Heir of Fire by Sarah J. Maas.  I think I probably just need to give up on this series, but I've been persevering.  This might be my last Maas book unless it really starts to pick up.  I'll have to write a post in the future about why these books just aren't working for me.


3. Dangerous Boys by Abigail Haas.  I read Dangerous Girls by this author and, other than the ending, I really liked it.  I think she has a lot of talent (but why that ending... I mean just why?) so if the ending for this one isn't a big "twist" I think I'll really like it.

4. Monstrous Beauty by Elizabeth Fama.  Beautiful writing + cursed love + mermaids = YES.  I've heard amazing, amazing, amazing things about this and am very eager to try it for myself.

5.  The Titan's Curse by Rick Riordan.  I'm a little behind on the Percy Jackson series... but I'll get caught up!   To be honest, I'd love to get the original five read before 2015 but between other books + school, we'll have to see how that goes.

6.  Graceling by Kristin Cashore.  This is one of those books that has been on my shelf for far, far too long and I just need to get read already.  (To be honest, I have a lot of those...)

7. The Monk by Matthew Lewis.  Okay, "technically" this is a re-read, although not quite because I never finished it the first go.  Basically, this is a Victorian novel that is all flavors of messed up, mind bending insanity and I loved it.  I want to re-read it + finish it and it's very... Halloweeny?  It's dark is what I mean.  Perfect to read around the same time as Dracula.

8. Looking for Alaska by John Green.  It's no secret that The Fault in Our Stars didn't work for me, but I do want to try out more works by him before I decide whether or not I like him.

9.  Girl of Nightmares by Kendare Blake.  I read Anna Dressed in Blood back when it first came out and man, oh man.  That book was amazing.  It's sequel time.

10.  Frankenstein by Mary Shelley.  Yet another creepy classic I've yet to read.  This is very short and very good.  Some of my friends have told me that it's really a pity she didn't write more. 

Share your lists below!


  1. This is a really nice mix of new, sort-of-new, and classic books! Would definitely want to hear why you may be giving up on the Maas series when you have time to blog about that.

    1. Thanks, Benni! I will definitely try and make that post soon. :)

  2. Dracula. Yeah, definitely read it in time for Halloween. It gives you the right amount of chills.

    Dangerous Boys on the other hand, it gives you the right amount of "wtf" moments. Haha. In a good way.

    1. Haha! Good, I want something chilling on Halloween!
      I hope they're good wtf moments. Dangerous girls had a wtf moment, but it was not very well done, IMO. (But I'm in the minority thinking that lol.)

  3. Great picks! You should definitely finish reading the Percy Jackson series. I loved that one so so much as well as Looking For Alaska, but that book is not everyone's cup of tea. It reminded me of The Catcher in The Rye.
    Oh, and I read Dracula last year and... unfortunately I did not enjoy it as much as I wanted to. I didn't like the format in which it was written. But it is perfect for Halloween, I assure you that =)

    1. I've actually never read The Catcher in the Rye. I've heard that's a pretty polarizing book. xDD Everyone I talk to either seems to love or hate it, haha.

  4. I'm wanting to pick up a copy of Anna Dressed in Blood soon. I think I'll be buying that for my Christmas list and birthday! Great post, by the way! :)

    1. Thank you! I hope you end up picking it up. It's really good. :)

  5. Nice list! I love your blend of genres here.
    Graceling is on my TBR as well. I have no idea when I'll be able to get to it, but the synopsis sounds pretty darn awesome. Assassins, hehe~ Heir of Fire is also on my list (although I actually very much enjoy Maas's series so far, haha). Looking forward to seeing your reasons for not liking the series as much! It's always really interesting to get some insight on other people's thoughts and reading tastes.
    Looking for Alaska was a very... ah, interesting read for me. I started off really not liking it that much, and then after this moment in the story, it was just.. I didn't know whether to hate John Green or call him a genius xD

    I'd love to read your thoughts on the books you choose to review! :) Hope you have a great reading season.

    And, if you're interested, you can check out my TTT!

    1. Hahaha, your opinion of John Green was awesome. I LOVE his YT channel with his brother, I will say that, and I'm definitely not willing to write him off as a writer (haha, see what I did there? ;)) until I read something else by him. I'll hopefully get around to a post about why I don't like the Throne of Glass series once I finish (or DNF) Heir of Fire. xD

  6. Graceling is awesome! I love that book to death!

  7. Anne Dressed in Blood was so creepy and awesome! The sequel definitely continued with the creepy factor, but I'm not sure how you'll like the ending. Be sure to let me know!

    Here's my TTT, if you're interested: http://www.spacebetweenthespines.com/2014/09/top-ten-books-on-my-fall-tbr-list.html

    Brittany @ http://www.spacebetweenthespines.com/

    1. Hmmm, I've never heard anyone say anything about the ending before? Now I must know! Lol.

  8. I read Dangerous Boys, The Titan's Curse and Graceling--my favorite being the last. And I really want to read Dracula as well! Danges Boys was interesting...yet very ferent from Dangerous Girls. Enjoy :D

    1. Oh, good. I think I will like it as long as the ending actually makes sense. *cough unlike DG cough* lol. I'm excited to hear that you enjoyed Graceling a lot! :)

  9. I read Dracula and Frankenstein a few years ago and loved them. A must read both of them!
    Thanks for stopping by my blog.

  10. Heir of Fire is so good, enjoy!!!!

    1. Haha, if you read the blurb next to it, you will see that I'm not enjoying it, unfortunately.

  11. I REALLY want to read The Throne of Glass series!! and I loved Looking for Alaska, it's my favorite John Green book :)


    1. Haha, I hope you enjoy them more than I am. ;)
      Oooh, that's definitely something optimistic for me!

  12. Dracula, The Monk, and Frankenstein are excellent! And yes, they really are messed up, especially The Monk. Another really messed up one you may be interested in is The Beetle by Richard Marsh. :)

    1. Yeah! I was reading The Monk for class, so I did get to the "big twist," which was so messed up wtf, but I didn't finish it because that semester I had a lot of health issues. :( I definitely want to re-read it now and get my creep on, lol.

      Oooh, I am going to look that up. Thanks so much for the rec! :)

  13. The Frankenstein cover really creeps me up! I'm never read books that were scary in creepy type of way, so I'm kind of The Monk and Frankenstein to my TBR list.

    I dind't know you were a Percy Jackson fan! Have you read all the books in the first series? I did and loved it but that was a couple of years ago, lol.

    I'm eager to read your review of The Throne of Glass books. I've been meaning to read the series, but the reviews on it are very mixed. Some love it and other hate it. They say that the main character is annoying. And the words you had on Heir of Fire make me think that I'm most likeky going to be disappointed by Maas' books.

    1. Oh, I never saw this comment. Sorry for the late reply here and subsequent late reply on your blog!

      I don't know if I'm a fan, necessarily, but I enjoy them enough. I've actually only read the first two and am in the midst of the third.

      I'm one of the ones who hate it, lol. I really cannot see the appeal with that series, but mostly because I think there's a lot of other series that offer more in-depth world building and more relatable characters who SHOW their skills. I really need to do an overview of that, lol.

  14. I hope you enjoy Titan's Curse! I think I read that book in under a day or two xD I haven't read another Percy Jackson book since, so I have some catching up to do too! I recently read Looking for Alaska too, and I think that is my fave John Green book yet. Have fun with these!

